Saturday, March 16, 2013

Woohoo. *sarcastic clap*

I'm just so excited. I cannot wait for the state test this May. Yaaaaaay. They tell us EVERY DAY in school... "This is for May! You have to practice for May! In May you can't get help from me! May May May May May!" I cannot STAND it!!!! Does anyone else feel this way towards state tests and SATs and stuff? I bet so. and... Does this button work?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Well hello there. I'm only up to chapter 13. That's nice. *Ahem* I'm sorry, you haven't been informed that I am writing a collaborative book with my friend. Well, now you have, so you can't say you didn't know about it. I'm to have a minimum of twenty chapters. So is my friend. Do the math: we'll have a book with a minimum of forty chapters. That's nice for my first book, isn't it? It's a book about two werewolf friends who are just living their half human lives in peace when a certain someone dies. Then there's the villain, who's young, foolish, stupid, idiotic, dim-witted, irrational... you get the point. But while he's naive and embarrassing, he has the perfect plan cooked up in his mind. It has a lot of plots. But the main character will eventually be hit with the facts. She's got them coming. She's not going to like them. Mwahahahahaha. How I love to torture 17-year-old werewolves with murder, childhood abandonment and possible CHILDREN. I'm evil. I'm working on some short stories about the book so you guys (no one since no one reads my blog -.-) can read them. I really hope you enjoy them. Farewell! ;) P.S. Sorry it's short! I have to shower (TMI, I know, I'm seriously going now, okay, I'm weird, please don't imagine me nude, yes thank you, I'm probably creeping you out now, okay, goodbye now).

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Derek Landy, Of Course.

Hi. I'm just... Well, I'm here, so that means I'm not actually reading Skulduggery Pleasant books, but, you get it that I'm reading Derek's stuff almost 24/7, right? Right, anyway, I just feel the need to say that I find the fact that European writers and artists are the greatest only feeds my passion for London even more. And the fact that Tanith herself is from London, my favorite place in the world, it's just awesome.
   I'd love the chance to meet Derek as much as the next Ghanith-obsessed fangirl, but even more than that I'd love to, like... do an Inkheart and step into the world of Skulduggery Pleasant. It really doesn't bother me that everywhere you turn you're to expect someone to attack or maybe murder you. That just makes it more fun.
   Yes, I love to write fan fictions. I do. I shall maybe write some Ghanith. No Valduggery. No Ghastduggery. No. Just GHANITH. NO BIZZARE THING OF PUTTING TO AMAZING MALES TOGETHER AND EXPECTING IT TO TURN OUT COOL. Absolutely not. Or maybe just some innocent... Non-romance... Rated G (I doubt that) ... Mystery fan fictions.
   I do find it a bit strange how I became entangled in this wonderful series. I've always loved European stuff. I think I started that ever since I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Now. About this. The Maleficent Seven.

A must-read. Pft. Obviously. It's a book by Derek Landy. The Golden God.

That is pretty much all.